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Q&A's (2)
boots or shoes?1 answer
can these be worn with trail shoes? or boots only?
Shea - Mitchell Park, SA(3 years ago)
G'day Shea,
You can wear these with any type of footwear, although boots or mid-cut shoes would offer better protection from debris - the ankle opening is higher up the leg, and therefore higher under the oilskin cover.
Lauren - Snowys(3 years ago)
Snakes1 answer
Would these be good protection against snake bites?
Richard - Dunsborough, WA(3 years ago)
G'day Richard,
No, these overboots are primarily to stop debris from getting inside your boot. Whilst they certainly would help, none of the Gaiters or boot covers we sell are guaranteed to protect you from snake bites. The best option we do have though, would be the Quagmire Canvas Gaiters