If you’re on a budget, and you need a portable toilet for your rugged adventures, then the Thunder Down Under from Elemental is the answer.
The simple yet sturdy bucket design has a traditional snap on hinged lid. It’s also lightweight and super easy to transport thanks to its convenient carry handle. All you have to do is line it with a separate plastic toilet bag and you’re good to go.
The Thunder Down Under from Elemental is a comfy, convenient and economical choice for answering nature’s call on your next camping expedition.
Comfortable and convenient
Sturdy plastic bucket
Snap-on toilet seat and hinged lid
Carry handle for transport
Line with separately available liner bags
External Dimensions:
36.5 H x 34D x 32W cm
Packed Dimensions:
36H x 34D x 32W cm
1.22 Kg
Seat Height:
36 cm
Plastic | Polypropylene
1 Year
Supplier Code:
Snowys Code:
Q&A's (11)
getting the label off1 answer
Hi, I've had one of these for some time and still haven't been able to get the label off (It's even been left out it the rain!). Do you have any suggestions of something that might take it off?
Kylie - Sydney, NSW(2 months ago)
G'day Kylie,
Something like Orange Oil or White Spirits might do the trick!
Lauren - Snowys(2 months ago)
Dumping waste?1 answer
I assumed the biodegradable bag could be dumped in a caravan dump point - but on my first attempt I see the opening to the dump point is far too small to squeeze a loaded bag in Are people carrying bags until they can throw in a big bin?
Ryan - Adelaide Bc, SA (1 year ago)
G'day Ryan,
The dump point is the best bet for these. I'd suggest not having a loaded bag, and having a few smaller ones. Alternatively, you can use the bucket as is without a bag and tip it into the closest toilet if able to do so regularly...or use some loo chemicals/additives and take it to a dump point - they usually have a tap and hose for washing out porta potties anyway which you can use to clean out your bucket.
Hope that helps.
Lauren - Snowys(1 year ago)
Leaving set up outdoors 1 answer
Will this cope with being left outdoors at a permanent camp site?
Sharyn - Dunbogan, NSW(4 years ago)
G'day Sharyn,
Its essentially a heavy-duty plastic bucket, so I can't see any reason why you couldn't. The only consideration would be long-term UV exposure, so I'd say you may get a shorter life span out of it than if it was stored and used occasionally, but I think that's to be expected. Ideally keep it in a shady spot, or ideally in an ensuite style tent / sheltered area. Hope that helps!
Lauren - Snowys(4 years ago)
Disposal of bag and contents 1 answer
Although the bags are biodegradable, are they safe to dispose of in long drop toilets? Or will they adversely affect the bacteria that makes drop dunnies work?
Wayne - NARRE WARREN SOUTH(4 years ago)
G'day Wayne,
We've checked into this with the manufacturer before, and they've indicated that as they are bio-degradable they will break down over time in a long drop toilet. Different types of long drop toilets work in different ways, so it would be worth checking with the local parks service, or relevant authority regarding their policies around drop toilets.
Leece - Snowys(4 years ago)
How do you get rid of the used bags? Rubbish bin or what?1 answer
Bag disposal - how?
Mike - Flagstaff Hill(4 years ago)
G'day Mike,
This will largely depend on when you're camped and the options you've got. The bags are 100% biodegradable, so can be buried, if done so appropriately for the region/area you're in. If you're camped somewhere where this isn't possible - e.g. close to a water source/beach, then you'd need to carry it out with you and dump the waste into a toilet dump point, and the bag in a rubbish bin.
Leece - Snowys(4 years ago)
Does the lid fit tightly for transport?1 answer
How do you dispose of waste? It says change bag daily, so can you bury the bag and the waste together?
Narelle - GORDON PARK(5 years ago)
G'day Narelle,
The lid has a deep groove around the perimeter which fits securely on to the bucket. Its recommended to change the bag daily (depending) and someone even suggested putting kitty litter in the ba to help with clumping and smells!
Susie - Snowys(5 years ago)
Should the bags be replaced every use or once per day?2 answers
If it can be used more than one time. Do you have anything that might help things smell a little more pleasant?
Eduardo Hernandez - Exmouh(5 years ago)
G'day Eduardo,
We'd suggest replacing the bag approximately once per day. If you're wanting to reduce smell you could use it with sawdust or something similar to help reduce the smell.
Leece - Snowys(5 years ago)
I have used this toilet very successfully just with deodorised KITTY LITTER in bag, it works great to cut smell and clumps moisture and solids for disposal.
ReggieB - WA(5 years ago)
Diameter of bucket seat attached to?1 answer
I have sturdy buckets I’m hoping the seat can attach to. What is the diameter the seat attached to?
Mike - Dulwich Hill(5 years ago)
G'day Mike,
The bucket measures 32cm from the outer rim. Hope that helps!
Lauren - Snowys(5 years ago)
Does the bucket come with an actual bucket lid? 2 answers
Does the bucket come with an actual bucket lid? Also....does the seat fit onto other buckets?
Susan - Kandanga (6 years ago)
G'day Susan,
The Thunder Down Under Toilet is supplied with a lid and toilet set in one. They appear to be the same as a standard fishing style bucket so I would assume one of those lids will fit this bucket too. Unfortunately, I don't have any of that style bucket to check for you though.
Leece - Snowys(6 years ago)
Thankyou.... I bought two! They are fantastic for tiny house off grid living :-)
Susan - Kandanga (6 years ago)
Size1 answer
Hi. Do you make a lower bucket to go with the toilet seat, i would like it to fit in my cupboard? Thanks Ann-maree
Ann-maree - Tweed heads (6 years ago)
G'day Ann-maree,
Unfortunately, the Thunder Down Under only comes in the 36cm bucket height. The seat clicks snugly in place to the lip of the bucket which could be hard to match up to another generic bucket style, especially of the same diameter, but if you were willing to put the time into some research, maybe you might find something shallower through a plastic manufacturer..? Otherwise we do stock the Thetford Porta Potti 335 which has a slightly lower seat at 30.8cm however it is a much more complete unit which is reflective in its price. Cheers :)
Alexandra - Snowys(6 years ago)
Hi. What is the maximum weight for this portable loo?1 answer
I'm curious !
Tony - Wamberal(7 years ago)
G'day Tony,
Excellent question. Unfortunately, we're not entirely sure. The Elemental Thunder Down Under Toilet doesn't come with any official weight capacity or limits and hasn't been tested for a maximum weight. All we can really say is just to keep in mind that it is a bucket type material and might not be as strong as some of the other, well-built, more expensive alternatives.