Keeping clean when you’re off the beaten path doesn’t have to be complicated, with the economical and compact Solar Shower from Companion.
Just fill this 20L shower bag up, place it under direct sunlight and go about your day. Then when you get back after a day of adventure, you can then enjoy a warm shower in the evening. It also comes complete with a full-length support and shower rose with tap.
The uncomplicated and functional Solar Shower from Companion will keep you feeling fresh even when you’re away from the comforts of home.
Economical and compact
Fully length support and shower rose with tap
20L capacity
8 mins of shower time
External Dimensions:
41L x 60H cm
Packed Dimensions:
30L x 14W x 2.8H cm
0.324 Kg Empty + Accessories
20 L
600D Polyester
Run Time:
8 mins approx.
1 Year
Supplier Code:
Snowys Code:
Q&A's (2)
companion solar shower1 answer
Hi, the blurb says that this comes with a full length support. What does this mean? There is nothing in the pictures that looks like a 'support'. Is there some sort of stand or is it just the bags, hose and shower rose? Thanks.
jenny - Eltham, VIC (3 years ago)
G'day Jenny,
Along the back of the shower, from side to side, there is a rigid plastic spine to help the bag keep shape when it's suspended. There is no shower stand or anything like that - sorry for the confusion!
Lauren - Snowys(3 years ago)
Compare1 answer
What is the difference between this and the pioneer from same brand?
Hayley Jade - Uki(4 years ago)
G'day Hayley,
They're pretty similar to be honest. The Pioneer model has the on/off tap at the showerhead, so are a little easier to manage. Apart from that they're essentially the same thing.