It is highly unlikely unless it has been run over, that the spirit burner from your Trangia cooker has stopped working. It doesn't have any moving parts, and it's made of brass, so it wouldn't have rusted.
The most likely reason you need a replacement is that... well, you lost it. Or maybe you have an engineering mind and have constructed your own compact camp stove from sheet metal and wire, and the Trangia Spirit Burner is the final touch.
Whatever your reason for needing one you can rest assured that the Trangia burner works, its simplistic design remains virtually unchanged since the mid-1900's and plays a key part in the longevity and reliability of any Trangia cooker.
Original Trangia Spirit burner
Simple and reliable design
Works with Methylated Spirits
Genuine Trangia Part
In Use Dimensions:
7.5L x 7.5W x 4.5H cm
Packed Dimensions:
7.5L x 7.5W x 4.5H cm
0.11 Kg
Brass | Rubber Seal
BTU Per Burner:
Limited Lifetime
Supplier Code:
Snowys Code:
Q&A's (3)
Fuel1 answer
Is it leak proof or do I need to carry a fuel canister with me additionally?
Corey - Lilydale, VIC(4 years ago)
G'day Corey,
Yes it is, the lid has an o-ring inside meaning you can carry fuel in the spirit burner. There are also 500ml fuel bottles available if you need to take extra.
Lauren - Snowys(4 years ago)
Is the simmer ring and lid included?1 answer
Does the stove come with the simmer ring and lid. Or do you need to purchase separately?
Steve - Melbourne(4 years ago)
G'day Steve,
Yes, the Spirit Burner comes with the standard lid and the simmer ring lid. There is no need to purchase anything separately.
Leece - Snowys(4 years ago)
what spirit do you use for these and where do i buy it? 6 answers
ok so going online at bunnings there is a warning on the diggers metholated spirits saying not to use it in spirit burners. Finding denatured alcohol in australia is next to impossible. So what fuel do i use with this and where do i buy it????
Sabine - Berri, SA(7 years ago)
G'day Sabine,
The Trangia Spirit Burner is designed for use with Methylated Spirits. I have personally always used the Diggers brand Methylated Spirits in my Trangia so I wasn't aware they indicate it is not suitable. Anything that requires you to light it should be used with caution, but I can't think of any reason why there would be a problem, so I guess you could use it at your own risk.
Leece - Snowys(7 years ago)
Thanks for the quick reply. I guess these days everyone has to beware of people who are a danger to themselves and cover themselves legaly. Really did confuse me tho.
sabine - berri(7 years ago)
Diggers is perfectly fine. It actually states Burner Fuel under Product Use on the label. I'd ignore what Bunnings says (I generally do). Anyway, it works great and it's composition is completely safe to use. 95% ethanol and the rest is probably water with a tad of bittering agent to discourage people from drinking it.
David - Newcastle NSW(7 years ago)
There are new warnings on Diggers Methylated Spirit bottles claiming that it should not be used in spirit burners. This warning comes as a result of accidents occurring with home ethanol heaters and is for legal reasons, but the formula of the Methylated Spirits has not changed. Information can be found on the ACCC website and this document is worth reading. As with any flammable liquid, you use it at your own risk, and caution should be exercised. The most important thing is to make sure the flame is completely extinguished and the burner cooled before refuelling.
Ben - Snowys(7 years ago)
To make the flame visible and avoid drama, google adding salt and draw your own conclusions. Hope that helps.
DB - Melbourne (4 years ago)
i have used bunnings diggers brand of metho and its not the best,it does actually go whoosh sometimes when lighting and it smells,supercheap auto is selling better metho,made in australia,it works well,they changed all the good metho that you could buy years ago as now its around 95 percent ethanol with additives so people cant drink it,kcb from supercheap auto is best,all that purple stuff stay away from,most places wont even describe the extra additives,not on the bottle,not on the mds sheet,i am told its some kind of nasty bitter stuff,not sure really what it is,i was wondering if odourless turps would work in the alcohol burner or maybe even kero.,i dont know why the price of metho is so high now,the older metho was handy as you could even put it on small wounds,no way i am trying that one with the new stuff,i like these small alcohol burner they work great and are very compact