Like the Spartans of before, the Victorinox Spartan is known for its physical toughness, longevity, and relentlessness to get the job done. With 12 functions and weighing in at 59 grams, it is versatile as can be and light on its feet.
Victorinox don’t do things by halves. Not only are they creators of the original Swiss Army Knife. They have a record of creating beautiful, functional, precision quality, and innovative knives for over 100 years. There is no mistaking the red knife with the little white shield.
Undoubtedly one of the most versatile Swiss Army Knives in Victorinox’s medium size range, the Spartan will have you feeling prepared for any outdoor battle.
Features: Large blade, small blade, can opener, 3mm and 5mm screwdriver, bottle opener, wire stripper, reamer, punch, sewing awl; corkscrew, toothpick, tweezers, key ring