The Companion Portable Twin Tub Washing Machine is a convenient and durable top loading twin tub with spinner that is simple to use and takes all the hard work out of washing your clothes in the outdoors.
Powered by 240V or a 12V power inverter, the Twin Tub washer features wash and spin cycle timers so you can enjoy the outdoors while the hard work is done.
Two wash cycles, normal and gentle, this twin tub washer has a bottom-mounted agitator and is self-draining, once the machine is finished all that's left is to hang out your clothes.
Tough ABS plastic that is rustproof and durable so it can be a great camping accessory for years to come
Efficient and environmentally friendly
Quiet enough to run inside your caravan, motor home or tent
Uses far less water than hand washing
240 V AC operation or can be used with a DC to AC power inverter
Modified sine wave ok or does it have to be pure sine wave?
Brent - Morphett Vale, SA(4 weeks ago)
G'day Brett,
Would have to be pure sine wave for this one sorry - you'll run the risk of the washing machine overheating with modified sine wave inverters.
Lauren - Snowys(3 weeks ago)
12v1 answer
Does this machine operate on 12v? We don't have an inverter
Anne - Hobart, TAS (1 year ago)
G'day Anne,
No, it doesn't. This unit operates on 240v power only. Historically I have seen one or two 12v washing machine models around, but we don't have any in our range. The alternative options are manual washers, that have a crack arm.
Lauren - Snowys(1 year ago)
Washing and spin1 answer
Can you wash a load and spin another load at the same time
Garry - Darwin, NT(3 years ago)
G'day Garry,
Great question! The washing machine only has three dials - one each for the speed of the wash or spin drum, and the third dial is to allocate what operation you'd like the machine to undertake. Whether you are washing, rinsing or spinning is determined by this single dial, so you cannot run two different operations at the same time. Hope that makes sense!
Lauren - Snowys(3 years ago)
How much water does it use for a 2kg wash?1 answer
Just wondering how much water needs to be used for a 2kg wash? And do you need to drain it and add more water during the cycle for a rinse cycle? TIA
Samantha - Merewether(4 years ago)
G'day Samantha,
Companion doesn't list a specific water capacity for the unit but looking at the size you'd need at least two standard buckets of water to run the wash cycle, and then the same again for the rinse cycle. You can download the user manual directly below the specifications that might help understand the process and time frames for using the washer.
Leece - Snowys(4 years ago)
How much power does it use when running off 12v?1 answer
I'm looking to use it when 4wding to cape york.
Rhys - CANBERRA, ACT(9 years ago)
This washing machine is designed to run on 240v Rhys, although you can run it through a 12v-240v inverter. The power draw depends on the cycle it is running - from 120w on spin to 240w on its wash cycle. Unfortunately the specifications for this machine only state Watts, but by dividing the Watts by the power you get an Amperage value. In this case, at 12V you're looking at 10A on spin cycle and 20A on wash cycle. This isn't an exact science though, the power draw will vary while the unit is in use, with the maximum power draw most likely occurring on startup. There is a smaller model which will draw a lot less power so it could be a better option for touring (Snowy’s code: 39089).
Ben - Snowys(9 years ago)
Can I get Parts and accessories for my Companion Washing Machine3 answers
Where can I obtain a new Spinner control knob our Companion Twin Tub washing machine. Also require a spinner mat to suit same.
Russ - SOUTH GRAFTON, NSW(9 years ago)
Hi Russ, spare parts are available from Companion Brands. We're looking into this to see what we can get for you - leave it with us and we'll be in touch soon.
Lisa - Snowys(9 years ago)
where can I purchase a spinner control knob for our comp 434
keith - AGNES WATER, QLD(9 years ago)
G'day Keith - We can order one in for you. If you would like to, give us a call on 1300 914 007 and quote Snowys code: #43116 - the supplier code is COMP434-01-S and it's called a Spin Timer Knob. Hope that helps. Cheers, Paul
Paul - Snowys(9 years ago)
Is it electrically operated (using power point) and comes with dryer, too?1 answer
Harris - RANDWICK, NSW(9 years ago)
This machine runs from either 12V vehicle power or a regular 240V household power point Harris. It has wash and spin cycles, but no drying function. Have a look at item code 35580 on our website for a portable clotheslines that may suit your needs.
Ben - Snowys(9 years ago)
The capacity size1 answer
I've been looking at portable washing machines and found this one online that looks exactly like this one but I assume a no name brand.
They are the same measurements but yours advises 2kg capacity when the ebay one states 3.5 kgs, is this right?
rebecca - south yarra(9 years ago)
Hi Rebecca, the information we have for this washing machine states a 2kg wash and spin capacity, this information comes from both our suppliers website an the user guide which can be downloaded from our website, just look for the link under our product description.
Ben - Snowys(9 years ago)
how do you use a washing machine1 answer
Fredella - Young(10 years ago)
Hi Fredella, the best way to understand the use of this machine would be to read through the user manual. We have it available as a download under the product description on our website. This walks through washing, rinsing, draining, and spin drying with pictures that make it easy to understand. Please let us know if you need further clarification on anything.
Ben - Snowys(10 years ago)
How long is a wash cycle?1 answer
Heather - Ingham (10 years ago)
Hi Heather, there is a washing guide in the User Guide which you can download from the bottom of our product description above. The guide gives wash cycles between 3 and 15 minutes depending on how soiled your clothes are.