Move over pen licence, the My First Victorinox Swiss Army Knife should be a right-of-passage for every Australian kid.
Complete with many of the useful tools of a grown-up Swiss Army Knife including a large blade - without the point, - wire stripper, bottle opener, screwdriver and more, this tool is ideal for the curious boy or girl who learns by doing.
The perfect gift for the hands-on munchkin that wants to be like mum or dad around the house or campsite.
Features: Large blade (rounded end), wire stripper, bottle opener, screwdriver 5 mm, can opener, key ring, toothpick, tweezers
What would be a suitable age for a child to get htis as a present?
Ivan - North Shore(5 years ago)
G'day Ivan,
Thanks for your enquiry, however, I can't comment on what age would be suitable to gift this product as it would entirely depend on the maturity level of the child. While the features are generally child friendly with rounded ends, I would certainly recommend monitoring your little one while they're using the Victorinox My First Swiss Army Knife.