It’s not often you use the word 'elegant' to describe outdoor gear, but there’s really no other word for the Lux Lantern from Luci.
This solar powered, collapsible and lightweight lantern will add a diffused glow to your dinner party, campsite, or outdoor event. The Lux Lantern is powered by the sun, so all you have to do is sit it out in direct sunlight for 7 hours - and it’ll be fully charged, ready to go. This little beauty is also waterproof IPX67, so it’s not going to fold on you when the weather turns sour. The Lux features four settings - low, medium, high, and 1-second flashing - so you’ll have plenty of illumination options for whatever you're up to. Another nifty feature is that it will last up to 24 hours on the lowest setting, after a single charge - so you’ll have plenty of light for your evening soiree.
For a warm, candlelit glow without the fire hazard - you can’t go past the Lux Lantern from Luci.
Solar charged
Frosted finish
Waterproof IPX67
Press and hold power button for 3 seconds to shut off
Charges in 7 hours in direct sunlight
Collapsible and lightweight
Low, medium, high and 1-second flashing modes
Lasts up to 24 hours on a single charge on the lowest setting
Bottom carry strap
External Dimensions:
12.7W x 12.7D x 10.8H cm
Packed Dimensions:
12.7W x 12.7D x 2.5H cm
Approx. Weight inc. Batt's:
0.125 Kg
PVC | Epoxy / Polycrystalline
Light Source:
10 Warm White LEDs (2700k)
15 Low | 30 Med | 65 High
Rechargeable 1000 mAh Li−ion | Solar Recharge
Battery Charge Time:
7 hrs
Run Time:
Up to 24 hrs Low | 12 hrs Med | 6 hrs High | 9 hrs Flashing
Suggested Use:
Camping | Home Decor
1 Year
Supplier Code:
Snowys Code:
Q&A's (6)
Retained power1 answer
Any ideas how long it retain its charge whilst stored in a cupboard?
Kim - Deakin, ACT (1 year ago)
G'day Kim,
We cant really say sorry - depends on the age of your battery and how often its used. Lithium-ion batteries are best put into storage at around 60% capacity and should be topped up every 2-3 months if not in use to get the best life span out of your device. We'd recommend pulling it out and chucking it in the sun to get a good charge before a trip or intended use.
Lauren - Snowys(1 year ago)
Charging up1 answer
Hi, can these be charged via a usb or other method?
Liam - Sydney, NSW (3 years ago)
G'day Liam,
No, these are solar charge lanterns only. If you are road tripping they can sit on your dashboard during the day to charge up, otherwise sit them in whatever patch of sun you can find at camp.You get a really decent run time from these lanterns, so you won't be needing to do a full recharge everyday. 1-3 hours in sunlight each day should keep it topped up.
Lauren - Snowys(3 years ago)
vs Outdoor 2.0?1 answer
What's the difference between the Lux and the Outdoor 2.0?
Kevin - Canberra(4 years ago)
G'day Kevin,
The Luci Lux and Luci Outdoor 2.0 are both the same size, shape and weight, however, there are a few minor differences to the light output. The Lux has warm white LEDs and a maximum output of 65 lumens, the Outdoor 2.0 has cool white LEDs and a maximum output of 75 lumens. This gives the Outdoor 2.0 a slightly shorter battery life on high.
Leece - Snowys(4 years ago)
Lumens/watts?1 answer
Looks awesome. But what is the lumens/watts equivalent on this thing?
Stella - Belmore(5 years ago)
G'day Stella,
You'll find the output in lumens under the Lumens section in the specifications. The current model is 65 on high, 30 on medium, 15 on low.
Leece - Snowys(5 years ago)
Charge level indicator? Battery life highest setting?1 answer
Hi, does the Luci Lux have a charge level indicator?
How long would it last on the highest light setting?
Rathika - Sydney(6 years ago)
G'day Rathika,
The Luci Lux Lantern doesn't blink at all while charging, but you can press the battery level indicator to see how much power you have collected from the sun. They don't quote a battery life when used on high so I can't honestly tell you but the staff here that have used them all agree the battery life is pretty impressive for such a small, neat lantern.
Tim - Snowys(6 years ago)
Do they require full sunlight?1 answer
Do they require full sunlight like a solar panel or will being left out on a cloudy day still provide its charging requirements?
Pat - Mordialloc(8 years ago)
G'day Pat,Â
We've just confirmed this with the supplier, and they've said that the Luci Lanterns will charge in cloudy weather, but it just won't be as effective - so it'll take longer to get a full charge.Â