Waste not, want not, they say. Well with the Waeco Dometic 12/240V Vacuum Sealer say no to food waste. By vacuum sealing your fresh meat, vegetables, even leftovers, you reduce the risk of freezer burn in the freezer and can keep food up to 5 times longer in the fridge. It also does a better job at locking in nutrients than other storage methods.
What are the facts behind this magical device? Well, exposure to air (oxidation) is what causes food to spoil. Vacuum sealing sucks all the air out of the package and creates an airtight seal. Nifty, hey? What's more, the commercial grade pump inside makes sure every ounce of oxygen is sucked right out of the bag so your food lasts longer.
The Dometic 12/240V is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. You can plug it into 240V AC when at home, or if you’re camping or caravanning and want to seal up some fish you were lucky enough to catch or last night’s leftovers, it’ll plug into your 12V DC system.
Hi, Can you Vac-Seal liquids,like soups or Juices?
Jarno - Airlie Beach, QLD(4 years ago)
G'day Jarno,
No, as the liquid will get sucked into the machine. Best bet is to pop your soups/juices in the vac seal bags, and pop them in the freezer. Once frozen you can vac seal them! Hope that helps.
Lauren - Snowys(4 years ago)
Can you really seal grapes and other fruits?1 answer
Sherree - Sydney(4 years ago)
G'day Sheree,
Yes, you can vacuum seal grapes, this will help them to remain fresh a little longer than in a non-sealed bag. They will get squashed if you vacuum them too much though, so just be careful when vacuuming the air out.
Leece - Snowys(4 years ago)
What is the biggest length bag they can seal1 answer
What length can it seal up to in cm
Ashlee - Ayr(4 years ago)
The Dometic bags are 28 cm in width, Ashlee, which is about the maximum width you'll be able to seal in this vacuum sealer.
Ben - Snowys(4 years ago)
Can it seal Mylar bags 1 answer
Hello Can this seal Mylar bags
Daniel - Bunbury (5 years ago)
G'day Daniel,
I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be able to seal a Mylar Bag. The sealer uses heat to seal off the bag/roll where needed, so as long as Mylar behaves the same way as the plastic vacuum sealer bags it should be fine. I don't think they'll suck the air out of the bags though.
Leece - Snowys(5 years ago)
Where do you get the rolls of plastic 1 answer
To cut to size yourself
Jacqui - Conder (7 years ago)
G'day Jacqui,
You can grab some spare rolls for your Dometic Vacuum Sealer here.
Ben - Snowys(7 years ago)
Extra bags1 answer
Hi do you sell extra bags? Or where can you buy them and how much?
Karl - Canberra (7 years ago)
G'day Karl,
We certainly do sell spare bags for the Dometic 12/240V Vacuum Sealer. You can grab them here.
Ben - Snowys(7 years ago)
Reuse bags ?1 answer
I'm wondering if I could wash and reuse the bags and can the same bag be resealed as in if I stored flour or nuts, use some, then want to reseal.?
Can I use a different brand bag?
Mel - Parrearra(7 years ago)
G'day Mel,
It is possible to reseal vacuum bags. Many even use the sealer to reseal shop packaging (such as chip packets).
And you can use different branded bags, however, the manufacturer does encourage you to use theirs.
Ben - Snowys(7 years ago)
Power Consumption in 12v mode5 answers
Hi, Could you tell me the power consumption in amps for this unit when used in 12v mode? Thanks,
Patrick - Mordialloc(7 years ago)
G'day Patrick,
I've done some research, but I, unfortunately, can't find any information on the amp draw of the Dometic Vacuum Sealer for both 12V and 240V. My apologies. I'll keep looking to make enquiries and hopefully have an answer soon.
Ben - Snowys(7 years ago)
On the back of the product there should be a watts @ 12v? If this is the case then watts divide by Volts is your amp drawage. I am very interested in the product but before I do buy, I would like to know the 12v drawage. Thanks
Aaron - Dunlop(7 years ago)
G'day Aaron,
Thanks for the tip! We currently don't have any stock available for me to check today but as soon as more Vacuum Sealers come in, I'll do some investigation.
Ben - Snowys(7 years ago)
Did you end up finding a 12v consumption?
Aaron - Dunlop(7 years ago)
G'day Aaron,
Sorry, it took us a while to get this info for you. I've added this information to our product page, but for your information, the plaque on the bottom of the machine has the following information:
AC 100-240V, 50/60 Hz, 100W/DC12V, 5.4A
Hopefully this gives you the information you need.