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Bob Cooper Snake Bite & Venomous Creatures Kit

Bob Cooper Snake Bite & Venomous Creatures Kit

11% off

Bob Cooper Outback Survival Book

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Bob Cooper Help Survival Blanket

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Bob Cooper

Survival gear developed by Bob Cooper, a Western Australian who is considered the leasing desert survival instructor in Australia.

Bob has been conducting Outback Safety and Survival courses for government agencies and private companies since 1990. He has also instructed on desert survival with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Rangers in the USA and is featured in Australian television documentaries including National Geographic America, BBC, Discovery Channel, The World Around Us and 60 Minutes.

It's safe to say that a product sold under the Bob Cooper label is designed to perform & educate at times when you need them the most, so don't waste your money on products with false promises if you're heading into a remote location, get yourself a Bob Cooper survival product, you'll be thankful should you ever need it.

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