A super compact little kettle that packs away in the 27 series Trangia cooksets. Also suitable for any stove or small fire, the 27 series kettle boasts enough capacity to boil water for more than one hot beverage at a time.
Made of lightweight aluminium, this Trangia Kettle features a folding handle and removable lid.
Fits inside 27 series Trangia cookers
600mL capacity
Folding handle
Removable lid
In Use Dimensions:
13.4L x 13.4W x 6.7H cm
Packed Dimensions:
13.4L x 13.4W x 6.7H cm
0.14 Kg
0.6 L
Ultralight Aluminium
Limited Lifetime
Supplier Code:
Snowys Code:
Q&A's (5)
Fit into 1.2L STS Alpha pot1 answer
Can the Trangia 27 kettle fit inside the 1.2L STS Alpha Pot?
Craig - Wollongong, NSW(1 year ago)
G'day Craig,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you here. We have previously tried this combo out, and whilst it does fit, its quite tight. You could make in work, but you'd just have to be mindful not to scratch the annodisation on the Alpha pot.
Hope that helps!
Lauren - Snowys(1 year ago)
What’s the knob on the lid of the kettle made of?1 answer
Is it plastic, I am worried about it melting
Kersi - Sydney(5 years ago)
G'day Kersi,
The knob on the Trangia 27 Series Kettle is plastic, however as it's not coming into direct contact with flame, you'll have not problems with melting.
Lauren - Snowys(5 years ago)
Can the Trangia 27 kettle be used with Trangia 25 cooker ?1 answer
Will the 27 kettle be large enough to be supported by the 25 clips ?
Davo - Sydney(6 years ago)
G'day Davo,
We don't currently have the Trangia 27 kettle available for me to double check this for you but I don't think this will fit. There is a specific kettle for the Trangia 25 which will be the best option if you have the 25 series.
Leece - Snowys(6 years ago)
does it come in any other colour, I know im being pathetic!!!1 answer
does it come in any other color, I know I'm being pathetic!!!
Josie Bakewell - Cottles Bridge(6 years ago)
G'day Josie,
Sorry to say, the Trangia 27 Series Kettle only comes in the silver colour.
Leece - Snowys(6 years ago)
Fit inside pan size 1.21 answer
Will this fit in the s2s alpha 1.2 pot?
Sam - Sydney (6 years ago)
G'day Sam,
I gave this a shot with our display stock and it will fit, but it's really tight around the kettles spout and you will start to scratch the inside of the pot I think.