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It can be hard to escape the heat beyond the creature comforts of your home…
But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy camping in warmer weather. With some preparation and knowledge, you’ll be all set for your adventure – be it sticky and humid, or bone dry and arid.
In this episode of the Snowys Camping Show, Ben and Lauren pull together their best advice for how you can keep cool and comfortable while you camp. For more, check out our blog: Top 10 Tips for Camping in Summer.
01:29 – Dealing with Humidity
02:46 – Do dark room tents actually keep you cooler?
05:15 – Water sources and supply
06:28 – Is any gear truly midge-proof?
07:16 – Adding Shade to Your Tent
08:00 – Canvas Vs Polyester Tents
08:34 – Camping Near Water and Dealing with Mozzies
11:00 – Evaporative Coolers and Fans
15:37 – Keeping Food Cool and Fresh
16:30 – Electrolytes and Sun Protection
17:30 – Keeping Comfortable During Sleep
18:33 – What are your tips for keeping cool when it’s hot and humid?
Mentioned in this Episode:
Tents with dark fly technology – Coleman & OZtrail
Electrolyte powders and supplements
Breathable canvas touring tents
12V fans and portable evaporative coolers
Cotton and silk sleeping bag liners
10 Ways to Repel Bugs While Camping
Prevent Dehydration & Keep Cool When Hiking
The Snowys Camping Show Facebook Group
Consider Your Tent
Canvas tents are a bit more breathable compared to synthetic, so they’re a better option for warm weather adventures. Tents with dark technology do block out most light, which can help keep your tent cooler, but opening up all the vents inside your tent to create circular air flow will reduce the temperature inside your tent more effectively than dark technology.
Mozzies & Midges
Camping near a lake or water will be cooler but may be a breeding ground for mozzies and other insects, so have insect protection products on hand. Keep in mind that even if your tent is designed to keep midges out, opening and closing doors of your tent can let them in.
Avoid white lighting as it attracts insects and go for warm/orange instead, which is also a bit more pleasant at nighttime.
Shade & Trees
You might be tempted to set up under a big old tree for the shade but be careful as branches can rot and potentially break off. You may be able to create more shade using a tarp or by setting up your tent under your awning.
Cooling Options
A portable 12V fan will help if you are a hot sleeper and they’re probably the simplest and most effective option. There are portable evaporative coolers, but just be aware that they have some limitations and aren’t going to work like an air conditioner at home.
You also have the option to wet a towel or wrap a Chill Towel around your neck to keep your temperature down, especially when going on day hikes around camp.

It can be easy to forget to hydrate when you’re swimming all day.
Food & Drinks
Freeze the food you use last to keep your icebox cooler for longer, avoid ice cubes or bagged ice as it melts faster. Instead freeze water in bottles and when they defrost, you can then drink the cold water afterwards.
Make sure your fridge is running efficiently by pre-cooling your supplies before you go away and use it with a cover to deflect heat. Keep your fridge out of direct sunlight and limit the number of times it gets opened.
Sun Protection & Preventing Dehydration
Drinking lots of water is a no-brainer, but don’t forget to top up your electrolyte levels, especially if you’re coastal camping and are in the water all day. Protecting yourself and other from the sun is also essential – so make sure you slip, slop, slap!
Sleep Off the Ground & Leave Your Sleeping Bag at Home
The ground absorbs heat during the day, so sleep elevated on a stretcher to avoid the heat. Bring a liner instead of your sleeping bag or just use a cotton sheet from your bed at home.
Thanks for listening, tune in again next week!
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If you have any questions for Ben and Lauren, make sure you head over to our Facebook group and let us know as we’d love to hear from you.
Catch you out there!

From tent pegs and air tents, to setups for summer and one-pot wonders – our gear gurus Ben and Lauren unpack the topics on every camper’s tongue, taking each minute to the limit with how-to’s, destinations, and expert interviews. Be it a swag, tent, or ‘swent’ – set up camp with us!