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Is Camping a Form of Therapy?

I don’t think I have ever used the words ‘camping’ and ‘therapy’ in the same sentence before.

I have always gone camping simply because I enjoyed it. I like using all my gear, sleeping in my tent, spending time with my family, and food always tastes better cooked on the campfire. What’s more, I read that past studies from the Liverpool John Moores University in the United Kingdom found 93 percent of campers believe the experience makes them happier.

Camping offers the opportunity to use our gear, spend quality time with family, and cook food on a campfire.

How Camping Changes Perspective

There was a time following recent events in my life when I felt the need to be somewhere I had space, silence, and simplicity. Somewhere to rationalise my thoughts. I needed to be in the outdoors.

I needed a camping trip.

Due to the unorganised state of my camping gear, a small window of opportunity, and really, really bad weather – I did not manage the impromptu camping trip I needed. This highlighted to me that I get much more out of a camping trip than I realised. I don’t just go camping for fun; I also need it as a type of therapy. To bring myself back to a sort of reality. To keep perspective on the important things in my life.

Sitting back and enjoying nature is a great way to clear your head. Image: Ben Collaton. 

Appreciating the Small Things

I needed to use my camping gear.

I enjoy packing my car, pitching my tent, using my headtorch, and lighting a fire. I wanted time to appreciate the small things, like the sound of light rain on my tent fly, cold morning air on my face, and the way the stars shine brighter in the wilderness.

It’s the simple things, like preparing hot food and drink on a campfire.

Food Prepared on a Campfire

I looked forward to getting up early so I can see my breath in the icy cold air while I make coffee.

I craved some really simple camp food. The type that would taste somewhat ordinary at home, but is suddenly an incredibly mouth-watering delight when cooked over a campfire.

Ben and Lauren discuss campfire cooking gear on the Snowys Camping Show:

Quality Time with Family

The above aside, the best part of camping for me is spending time with my family.

There are none of the distractions of day-to-day life to tempt you. You’re not reminded of your to-do list every time you walk past it. There’s no television, there’s no radio, and there’s no phone (well, if you turn it off).

You can focus solely on yourself, and your family.

Spending time with kids and other loved ones are so important. Photo: Ben Collaton. 

Camping as Therapy

I now think of camping as a ‘natural therapy’, a form far cheaper than many prescribed therapies offered to us nowadays.

It is also very accessible, and simple to get started. Just ask the staff at Snowys how you could be enjoying the great outdoors next weekend!

Camping is accessible and simple to get started!

Ben and Lauren also discuss camping as a form of recreation and community service in Ep73 of the Snowys Camping Show with Operation Flinders:

Share this article with anyone you think could do with a dose of ‘camping therapy’!

Ben Collaton: Trekker, surfer, climber, mountain biker, runner, camper. Participator in most things... master of none.