We all love the outdoors, that’s why you’re reading the this blog, right? Have you ever thought about adding another dimension to your camping or hiking experience? Why not get into Bird Watching, it can be a simple and rewarding activity to undertake on your weekend hikes, or even just while relaxing in the campsite with a cool drink. It goes without saying that you can go bird watching just about anywhere.
Read on for a few basic tips that will help you get into the world of bird watching or “twitching”.
The distinctive Rainbow Lorikeet. Image: Bea Myers.
Pick a Birding location
Look for a natural bush corridor, a nature reserve along the coast or a wetland, some suggestions around Snowys home town of Adelaide are:
- Morialta Conservation Park
- Black Hill
- Ansteys Hill
- Brown Hill Creek
- Belair National park
- Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens
- Hallet Cove Conservation Park
- Aldinga Scrub
- Barker Inlet Wetland
Venturing further afield:
- Gluepot Reserve SA
- Coffin Bay National Park SA
- Dandenong Ranges VIC
- Grampians VIC
- Kakadu National Park NT
- Daintree Rainforest QLD
- Atherton Tablelands QLD
- Broome Bird Observatory WA
I love en-route bush camping when I am travelling not only for the peace and quiet, but often there is no one else to disturb the wildlife. Some of my best birding experiences happen while relaxing at the end of a big day or while having breakfast.
A Comb Crested Jacana. Image: Bea Myers.
Pack your daypack
A good daypack is essential for keeping all your birding equipment organised, allow enough room for some food and extra clothes. Here is a list of things you may need.
- Binoculars, maps and a compass
- Bird Field Guide
- Note book and pencil (make notes to identify the bird)
- Camera – spare battery and card
- Mobile Phone
- Snacks
- Water bottle or hydration pack
- Hat
Optional depending on location, weather, how long you intend to be out:
- Hiking poles as you may want them to get to the location
- Wet weather gear, warm jacket or vest
- Dry bags if kayaking or going through water
- Non-greasyy sunscreen
- Mosquito repellant
- Camp stool can be a good option as patience is required to be a birdwatcher
A New Holland Honey Eater in its natural environment. Image: Bea Myers.
Dress appropriately
- Avoid bright colours, the idea is to blend into the environment and cause as little disturbance as possible
- Wearing a lightweight long sleeve collared shirt helps avoid getting sunburnt and prevents chafing from the binocular strap.
- Take something warm, I usually carry a vest to keep warm, weather dependent.
- Avoid using greasy type sunblocks, this may get on the binocular lenses.
- A good pair of sturdy shoes is recommended as you may find you wander off into very different terrain than where you started.
- Gaiters or long pants may be required depending on the location
- Sun hat or beanie
So what do you think? Would you add bird watching to your next hiking or camping adventure?

As a keen traveller, bushwalker and birder I have a passion for the Australian bush, particularly the outback.
Great tips. Recommending a good bird watching book would have been also been handy.
Hi Hammer, thanks for the suggestion – try this one? 🙂
Happy bird watching!
A great article for anyone beginning with birding. I’ve been birding my entire life, beginning at the side of my dad. I then got into extended hikes, but having damaged my knee in more recent years those extended multi day hikes are over. Birding has always gone hand in hand with my hiking, the world over.
These days I take pretty much as you do and generally wear safari type gear with the fabulous pockets. Good insect and sun protection as well. My camera gear and binoculars weigh upwards of 7 kilos so everything else I keep as lightweight and minimal as possible.
I have also found hiring local birding guides a worthwhile investment, when entering completely new habitats as they know the places particular species hang out and save me time on identification as well.
Membership of Birdlife Australia is also invaluable for keen birders.
Great to have your insight, Fiona! Cheers
After viewing Brians DVD the mystery bird has been identified as a Nankeen Night Heron. Filmed feeding at low tide in a location Brian visits annually the Night Heron hadn’t been seen there before and may have just been passing through. It’s great to see there are enthusiastic bird watchers out there. Thanks for sharing your video Brian.
Hi Bea
Left the DVD at Snowys for you Sunday afternoon
Thanks Brian, I will call in and pick the DVD up in the next couple of days and do my best to Identify the bird. Cheers Bea
Hi Bea
Recently I took some video of a not seen before bird in a place that I have been visiting for many years.
I am having some difficulty identifying the bird and was wondering if I could get the DVD to you for your thoughts?
Hi Brian,
Thanks for reading the blog.
I would love to see the DVD, if it is too big to load to view on line, maybe post the DVD to Snowy’s and I can pick it up and see if I can identify your mystery bird. Please let me know where and when you took the video and any other information that may be helpful for the identification. Thanks Bea
Very interesting article. I particularly liked the ‘dress appropriately’ section. I haven’t given much thought to what I wear when out bird watching. Thanks for the list of locations, there are a few places I haven’t been before. Cheers!
Hi Julie,
Thank you for reading the blog and making a comment. We often don’t give ‘dress code’ a thought when bird watching but the less obvious we are then hopefully we don’t disturb the birds and have more success at seeing them. I hope you can visit some of the different locations and please add another comment if you see any of the “twitcher” ,unusual species. Thanks again. Bea