The short answer to this question is: no. The long answer: nope, nup, no way, don’t do it!
That’s not very helpful, is it? Let me expand a little on why it is a bad idea to use a gas heater in a tent/caravan/campervan/garage/shed/enclosed space. But first, a few facts about portable gas heaters.
What Sort of Gas do They Use?
Most heaters intended for camping and outdoor use are fuelled by either butane or propane. Butane usually comes in small canisters and is most popularly used with those lunchbox-style portable stoves. Propane is better known as LPG – liquefied petroleum gas – or LP gas and too comes in small canisters or refillable 1-9kg bottles. Yep, the type you use with your BBQ or camping stove.
What’s the Difference Between Butane and Propane?
Among other differences, butane and propane don’t burn the same. Butane burns cleaner than propane and thus doesn’t produce as much carbon monoxide. That’s why you hear of some people – chefs in particular – using those lunchbox stoves indoors. That said, it does produce carbon monoxide so unless you have really good ventilation in your space, it’s probably best to not use it indoors. (Our official line here at Snowys do not use butane or propane/LPG indoors at all.)
Portable gas heaters – great for keeping your awning or campsite warm, just don’t use one in a poorly ventilated space.
What Will Happen if I Use My Gas Heater Indoors?
Worst case scenario you’ll slip into a state of unconsciousness and die of asphyxiation. Depending on the concentration in the air, this will all happen in less than 3 minutes. Low concentration can still make you sick though – headache, nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate, and convulsions are all symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Why and How Does My Heater Produce Carbon Monoxide?
Three things are needed for the burner in your heater to light up – fuel, ignition, and oxygen. Remove any one of these things and your heater won’t work and you’ll be left cold. Once ignition has occurred – whether using the ignition switch on your heater or an external source like a lighter – an ideal burn will occur with the correct ratio of fuel (butane or propane) and air. For propane, that’s around 4 parts propane and 96 parts air (a 1:24 ratio).
Carbon monoxide is produced when you have less than ideal, or incomplete combustion. Where the ratio of propane to air is more or less than around 1:24. You may have heard the terms lean and rich burn before. That’s what is meant when this ratio is thrown out – not enough propane and too much air is a lean burn and too much propane and not enough air is a rich burn. We’ve all smelt a car that is ‘running rich’!
What if my heater operates at an ideal burn? you ask. Well, it mightn’t and probably won’t at all times. Hence, it will probably produce carbon monoxide and be unsafe to use in all but the most well-ventilated spaces.
Inside the tent is no place for you, Mr Heater.
Where Can I Use My Gas Heater Then?
They are designed to be used in open-sided awnings, gazebos, and out in the open.
How Can I Keep Warm in My Tent on a Cold Night Then?
There are stacks of ways:
- Warm clothing or thermals
- Extra socks, a beanie, and gloves
- A hot water bottle or your drink bottle full of the leftover water from your nighttime cups of tea
- A hot drink in your belly!
- A quality sleeping bag and sleeping mat
- Cuddles with a special someone!
How do you keep warm when camping in the cold? Check out our range of portable heaters to help keep warm in your campsite.

Hiker, bushwalker, tramper and founder of Ottie Merino ( Let’s just say Paul likes to get around by foot. When he’s not, it’s usually by bike. He’s usually found knocking out another section of the Heysen Trail, or hut bagging his way around the South Island of New Zealand.
Wood stove with fan, chimney = toasty.
Hot water bottle in backpack under rain poncho.
Why does it have a low oxygen shut-off system if it can’t be used inside?
It’s a safety mechanism, btw, to make sure people don’t die of carbon monoxide poisoning which can be an issue if the heater is used in a confined space. We don’t recommend relying on this when it is your life that is at stake though and suggest that the heater is always used in a well-ventilated area. ~ Ben
I have used water heating by portable boiler outside tent and circulating it into the tent through water hose. We call it camping boiler system
I have used water heating (outside tent) and circulating (inside tent) through water hose. We call it camping boiler system.
I’ve used a Coleman catalytic heater in my popup smelt shack for a year now, and never had any issues I always keep a small window vent open and have only run it for 4 hours at a time.
Generator + extension cord + electric heater = issue solved
That’s not something that we would necessarily recommend Paulius, as it can be dangerous to have a heat source like that so close to synthetic fabrics such as tents and sleeping bags. However, it is up to each individual to exercise caution.
Well, htere is one way how to keep your tent warm – camping generator outside + extention cord + electric heater.
I have a Coleman Instant Up 10p Gold. Have never camped in winter (min temp around 0 degree) but will like to give it a go. Other than warm sleeping bag, can I use oil fin heater inside the tent (will camp at a powered site). Are there any factors that I need to be aware of considering this setup (other than electrical precautions like using water proof heavy duty connectors/extensions).
G’day Muneesh,
We can see why that would seem like a good option, but we wouldn’t recommend that you use an oil fin heater (or any kind of heater) inside a tent as there are too many factors that could cause an issue with safety.
We’ve actually got an article about how to make your sleeping bag warmer which might be helpful for you in the colder months, which you can read through here.
oil fin heaters have to be transported upright at all times.
As far we know that’s right Michele, they’re definitely not the most convenient choice when it comes to transport.
Wy do most American sites seem to be ok with the mr buddy heater in a tent or camper? You see heaps of reviews on you tube, one in particular even does a review with a carbon monoxide meter. Their only stipulation is ventilation.
Cheers Mario
It’s a bit of a puzzle to us as well Mario, it’s just not worth the risk for a bit of extra warmth.
Much better to be safe than sorry – cheers!
Any comment about catalytic heaters like the Coleman Blackcat. I bought one a while ago because on the outside of the box it said “great for tents!”. On the instructions inside the box there were so many scary warnings that I never used it.
We’ve never stocked any catalytic heaters such as the Coleman Blackcat Brad, but from what I understand, they’re designed to be used safely in tents as long as there is ventilation.
These certainly do sound interesting, but I reckon for now we’ll stick to rugging up with a beanie and extra jumper and calling it a day!
Just correcting an error in your post. Propane and butane both produce roughly the same amount of Carbon Monoxide gas when burned. So both gases should be treated the same in respect of heating…
Thanks for weighing in Bruce.
I’ve looked online but I’ve found it tricky to get any solid info to back this up either way.
Do you have any sources to share about this topic? If so that’d be great and super helpful for other readers. ?
Thank you, this is very helpful and potentially lifesaving!
You’re welcome Rachel – safety is paramount when it comes to gas appliances!
Hello! Can I leave the heater in a tent for the night?
Sure, just don’t turn it on. 🙂 ~ Paul